Last Tournament
1st HawkOfGP
2nd MeDictated
3rd Meeguu
Tournament Results
Posted on November 3rd, 2018  by Cutsman

We had a nice and cozy 4 player tournament for Soul Calibur 6 today!


the games were quite balanced and the connections were really good :)

unfortunately tekken tournament did not see any love today so we had to cancel it :/

next month we will add some nice christmas prizes to the tournaments and hopefully we will see some more players as well ^^!.

Thanks to all the participants today and see you next time :)!

Back in action
Posted on October 23rd, 2018  by Cutsman

We are finally getting back into the action!

it was a long break that i needed, i had small burnout with all the events arranged and also since we got the SFV release which is not that popular we had to rethink what to do with NSG.
I decided that we wanna keep having tournaments regularly and for now we will roll out some Tekken 7 and Soul Calibur 6 tournaments :)

the tournaments will be probably small at first because of the long break but i am sure we will have those nice 20-30 player tournaments sooner or later again!

here are the first upcoming tournaments


Soul Calibur 6:

NSG April tournament!
Posted on April 7th, 2017  by Cutsman

Sorry for not hosting tournaments yet this year been busy!

anyways here we go again!

NSG April Tournament 2017

Please share this to your friends and lets get some hype games for us!

see you guys at the tournament ;)

tournament canceled
Posted on December 11th, 2016  by Cutsman

we will have to cancel the tournament due to low player count.

see you guys next year!

Ending 2016 with SFV tournament
Posted on November 30th, 2016  by Cutsman

Yet another year has passed soon and its time to host our last tournament for 2016!

it will be SFV tournament since that is the most popular one currently!

the sign up is open and we hope to see lots of fighters in this tournament!

we will announce the prize pool later on since there is still bit problems with the budget, if you guys wish to help us here is a donate link for that
NSG Donate

if you have questions about the tournament feel free to ask anything in our discord channel or at our steam page!

see you guys at the tournament!

November Tourmanent Results
Posted on November 20th, 2016  by Cutsman

The tournament ran smoothly and quickly, thanks for all the players for joining up and everyone watching us at twitch!


1st: x3terror 45€
2nd: ssbroski 10€
3rd: NWA54 5€

to see full results you can visit this page –>

Good games everyone see you guys in the next tournament!

November tournaments!
Posted on November 6th, 2016  by Cutsman

We have moved the SFV November tournament to take place a week later since on the original date there is fathers day and i am unavailable to host the tournament then.

also the SkullGirls tournament has been deleted since there was 0 attendees unfortunately!

see you guys in the SFV tournament !

October tournament
Posted on October 3rd, 2016  by Cutsman

The tournament ran smoothly! thanks for all the participants and all the viewers in the stream ^^!


1st: 3xTerror
2nd: MDZ_jimmY
3rd: NWA54

special thanks to MDZ_jimmY for streaming the tournament and also to highfive and couchfighter for helping me arrange this tournament :)

next tournament is ready for sign up! see you guys there ;)

Upcoming events

October Tournament
Posted on September 15th, 2016  by Cutsman

Summer break is now over! i hope you all had great summer ^^

time to host some tournaments!

here is the first one: October Tournament

see you guys at the tournament!

if you have any questions you can reach us from these places:


RVA SFV Online vol. 3
Posted on July 30th, 2016  by Cutsman

Our friends at Roihuvuori arcade is hosting an online tournament at 4.8.2016 here is a link with further info about the tournament RVA SFV Online vol.3 join up if you are interested in having tough matches :D !